Why choose to build a Sunshine Coast kit home? The most prominent and immediate answer that may come to mind is to save cost. Yes, while choosing to build a kit home can save you money in the long run, price is only one of the many reasons you can benefit from this type of build. Make no mistake, choosing to build a kit home is a large commitment but with a big reward waiting for you at the end of the process. If you have been researching your options and would like to learn more about what the owner builder process entails, and what the reality of building will be, read on.
Why build a Sunshine Coast kit home? Enquire with the Sunshine Coast building experts.
What do our Sunshine Coast Kit Home packages look like?
Essentially our kit homes will comprise of the skeleton or bones required to build your new home. Typically, this will include:
It will be up to you as the owner builder to supply all other remaining items. Plus, you can contact the trades & professional consultants that you want. Having friends and relatives in the industry can be very helpful when it comes to building your own home – having input from these people may even make the connection to the build more significant for you.
All of our owner builder clients come from different walks of life, have different living and working arrangements and have different timeframe requirements. Choosing a Sunshine Coast kit home allows you to work within your own schedule, at your own pace.
How to choose the correct kit home?
While we have dozens of pre-designed plans to select from, the design is controlled by your imagination. We find that most kit home builders will start with one of our pre-designed plans and modify to suit their land and the building orientation.
Provided you are ticking all of the Sunshine Coast Council and building regulation requirements, you should be free to build what you like. Having said that, it will be important to keep a tally of your own costings, to save any heartache. Most banks won’t lend to owner builders, so you will need to finance the build yourself entirely. It is imperative to stay on top of your budget and have a good idea of how much your chosen design will cost to build.
Choosing to build a Sunshine Coast kit home has many clear advantages, for those with the time and the knowhow. There is no doubt that building a kit home yourself will save you money in the long run. Contact our friendly team today if you would like to begin your dream home building journey.