Most parents will agree that sharing communal space with kids in their teens and early twenties can be a challenge, Granny Flats Sunshine Coast are the answer! The typical ‘teenager-ness’ is really just a battle for independence. Kids want to establish their own rules, have their own space and get a taste for being an adult (sweet, sweet ignorance). Meanwhile, you’re stuck clinging to unraveling house rules, torn between protecting them from reality and booting them out so they can be stuck with their own smelly socks and stop eating everything in sight (who else has boys?).
It’s true that most teenagers aren’t really ready to live out of home, and there’s a lot to be said about the financial benefits of young adults and couples living with parents to save for a mortgage of their own. With the expanding Sunshine Coast University, many school leavers are also choosing to stay on the Coast rather than move to Brisbane or interstate for their tertiary education. That usually means continuing to rely on mum and dad. So if you don’t want them in the house anymore considering building a Granny Flat on the Sunshine Coast!
Keen to get started? Check out our getting started page!
Secondary dwellings like granny flats not only offer alternative independent living arrangements, but they are relatively cheap to build and can add significant value to your property. If you think a granny flat could save your sanity, here are a few things to consider:
- How much space do you have?
- Most councils will allow you to build a granny flat if your block is at least 600m² and you need at least 30m² of space to build a studio-style dwelling. The Shed House can assist with Sunshine Coast council, Moreton bay Council and Noosa Council rules.
- Who is going to live there?
- This is important when thinking about the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, need for appliances (like large fridges, ovens and washing machines) and private outdoor space.
- What is your timeframe?
- It usually takes several weeks for the Sunshine Coast council to complete Granny Flat approvals plus allowing time for important geographical reports to come through. Your builder may also have other projects to finish before they can start yours. So if you’re considering a granny flat or secondary dwelling on your property, it’s a good idea to start talking to builders early.
Check out our Granny Flat designs here..
When it comes to building granny flats on the Sunshine Coast, The Shed House has got you covered. If you live on the Sunshine Coast, from Beerwah to Gympie, Glass House Mountains, Maleny, Yandina and everywhere in between, contact us today for an obligation-free consultation. We can meet you at your property and consider all aspects of a potential secondary dwelling, from block orientation to unique space requirements.