If you are just beginning the granny flat building journey, you may be looking to find out more information regarding Gympie granny flat approval. Possibly even wondering if you need approval for a granny flat in Gympie? Let’s explore the rules and regulations for Gympie below.
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Do I Need Approval?
Yes, every building addition will need planning approval. There are many interpretations on the rules, but it is important to deconstruct the facts provided by the Gympie Council.
What Rules Need To Be Met?
Firstly, it may pay to break down the definition of a ‘granny flat’. By definition, a granny flat is a single dwelling used in conjunction with, and subordinate to, a dwelling house on the same lot. A granny flat may also be known as a secondary dwelling.
There are a few rules and guidelines that must be met in order to be successful in your Gympie ‘granny flat’ approval. These rules will apply to the following town planning zones:
- Residential living zone
- Residential choice zone
- Character residential zone
- Tourist accommodation zone
- Industry investigation zone
- Rural zone
- Rural residential zone
- Township zone
- All other zones
Your parcel of land will be zoned in one of the above categories. This is mapped in the Gympie Planning scheme.
The Secondary dwelling or ‘granny flat’ must either be attached to or located no further than 20m from the outermost point of the primary dwelling (excluding domestic outbuildings). The secondary dwelling or ‘granny flat’ cannot exceed 70m² in internal floor area. In addition, the secondary dwelling must not be located or built in front of the primary dwelling.
What Can I Use A Granny Flat For?
In the Gympie Council region, there are a few approved uses for a secondary dwelling or ‘granny flat’. In short, the building is meant to be used in conjunction with, and subordinate to a dwelling house on the same lot. Essentially, the use will be limited to the same household, or members of the family for living in.
Where Do I Begin Planning My Granny Flat?
Here at The Shed House, we have developed a great system for those embarking on the building journey. Upon making an enquiry, we will contact you to discuss your project and requirements – regardless of the stage you are at. We will create a step-by-step guide, tailored to your personal circumstance and walk you through the entire process. The first step is for you to make contact! Read more about our Gympie Custom Home Build process here.
Trust the local builders to help bring your building dreams to life. We are experts when it comes to Gympie granny flat approvals. Get in touch to discuss your project today.