A question many of us have been asking, what about starting building during the coronavirus outbreak?
Here are: 5 Reason’s Why Now Is a Great Time To Build with The Shed House!
1. Time Flexibility - Start Planning
- Collect ideas using online platforms like Pintrest – But don’t get overwhelmed! The key to success with these platforms is to have a general look and then agree on a theme you and your family like.
- Create a Mood Board – Now that you have chosen the general theme you like such as Hamptons Style start saving images that catch your attention. You will need pictures showing the external finishes and colours, internal floor coverings and wall paint colours, storage configurations for wardrobes and cupboards, kitchen layouts, materials and colours and finally bathroom configuration, style and finishes.
- Floor Plans – Think about how your family lives in your current home and what you would change to create a better lifestyle. Think about where you would position the main bedroom in relation to the other bedrooms and living areas. Do you have a specific feature you are trying to focus on such as a beautiful view or rainforest backdrop? Do you need a larger living room or kitchen? Of course living on the beautiful Sunshine Coast you need a large outdoor entertaining area will this be a beautiful timber deck or concrete patio? Once you have answered all these questions try and sketch up a rough floor plan. Feel free to view our range of plans here.
- Consult professionals – You are now ready and prepared to have informed discussions with the experts. Being prepared before contacting an architect or building designer will save you time and money plus ensure their brief matches your ideas.

2. Design and Approvals - Beat the Post COVID Rush
- During the restrictions with travel and interaction The Shed House Design team is working from home utilising the latest design technology to deliver our projects.
- Remote consultation – Now that you have completed your initial design planning stage we can complete a remote consultation to better understand your project. We will discuss your ideas, who it’s for, where it will be located and your budget.
- Mapping Tools – We have access to the latest in mapping technology which allows us to integrate your design onto your blocks topography showing you height elevations across the building location.
- Prompt Service – While we always pride ourselves on offering prompt service and a quick turn around with our design and engineering process. This is often slowed by third party companies completing reports and by the council approval process. Speaking with our providers they have informed us of reduced waiting times allowing the approval process to happen faster.
The Shed House team will take care of all required reports, engineering and approvals for you!

3. Affordability - SAVE on Repayments with Record Low Interest Rates!
With record low interest rates of 0.25% on offer from the Reserve Bank of Australia to help stimulate the economy borrowing money has never been cheaper.
During the building boom it has become increasingly hard to find quality tradesmen at affordable rates. So if you are thinking of becoming an owner builder now is a great time to access those quality trades people at affordable rates.
The Shed House Team can link you with these quality trades and assist you in coordinating your project as an Owner Builder.

4. The Shed House Business Model - Supporting Local Business Building During Coronavirus
By engaging The Shed House to supply your kit home or supply and construct your new home you are supporting local business throughout the supply chain.
- Framing – Our frames and manufactured locally using Australian TrueCore Steel
- Roofing and Walling – Roll formed locally from Australian Colorbond Steel
- Cladding – Weathertex manufactured in Australia – Better than 0 carbon footprint
- Windows – Manufactured locally in Brisbane by GJames – Australian Production line
- Local Trade Family – But that’s not all by helping us you are helping literally hundreds of other local families in our supply chain who we turn to for quality supplies and workmanship to bring your new Shed Home Dream to life!

5. Construction Remains an Essential Service - No Lock Down for Construction
The Australian Government has deemed the construction industry as an essential service through these challenging times. We have not shut down building through the coronavirus outbreak.
The Shed House team of builders are on the ground as we speak constructing new homes for our clients. We are following the advice from the Australian Chief Health Officer to practice social distancing and regular washing of hands. Read more about our social distancing and hygiene protocols here.
Our team can work with you to deliver your project safely and professionally at all times and especially during the next 6 months. We appreciate your support and look forward to working with you soon.