
Creating A Healthy Home

There are many steps you can take to ensure your home is healthy. From planning to design, through to use and maintenance, we discuss how to create healthy homes on the Sunshine Coast.What Is A Healthy Home?A healthy home is one that keeps health as a priority when moving through the stages of building to […]

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Accessible Homes Sunshine Coast

There are many benefits of designing your home to be both livable and adaptable. But, what do accessible homes on the Sunshine Coast look like and just what are the benefits? We share how accessibility is more than making a home wheelchair accessible.What Is Accessibility?The term accessibility has often been associated with the elderly or […]

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Building for Off-Grid Living

From solar panels to grey water, building for off-grid living is easy with The Shed House. The Shed House are builders on the Sunshine Coast, a family-owned business.Are you building for off-grid living, but not sure where to start? This list of products, materials, and service providers can help you understand the immediate decisions you […]

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The Living Off-Grid Cost

What it means to be in control of your utilities, environment, and the materials you use. We delve into the true off-grid cost. Vaughn and Louise talk about their experience designing, building, and living off-grid.Making Size CountWithout a doubt, to live in today’s society with less financial outgoings is a major benefit with the continual […]

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The Independence of Living Off-Grid

The power of being your own utility provider. Vaughn and Louise talk about the sense of control and independence gained from off-grid living.Planning For IndependenceVaughn and Louise are their own utility providers. This gives them a sense of control, security and independence particularly during storms when they continue to have power while ‘the grid’ is […]

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The Living Off-Grid Ethos

What it means to lessen your impact of greenhouse emissions through sustainability and the ethos of living off-grid. Vaughn and Louise talk about their experience designing, building, and living off-grid.A Leap of FaithIt took a leap of faith to design, and have constructed the project that Vaughn and Louise envisioned. They were moving into new […]

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Living off grid what does the data say

Living Off-Grid: What Does The Data Say?

Vaughn and Louise talk about their experience living off-grid. Check out their usage data from 2018 to 2020: the savings and the lifestyle.DataWhat would off-grid living be without some facts and figures about reduced consumption and environmental impact? Vaughn and Louise embraced off-grid living on the Sunshine Coast in 2017. The total floor area of […]

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The Aesthetic, Resourcefulness & Health of Living Off-Grid

What your Shed House aesthetic says about you. Vaughn and Louise talk about their experience designing, building, and the resourcefulness and health of living off-grid.The Shed House AestheticWhat does an off-grid Shed House look like? What does an Australian shed look like? Vaughn and Louise were inspired by Glenn Murcutt’s design aesthetic, as many architects […]

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The Living Off-Grid Lifestyle

What it means to be in-sync with the environment and consider the weather that affords the utilities. Vaughn and Louise talk about their experience designing, building, and living off-grid.Vaughn and Louise purchased their block of land on the Sunshine Coast in 2016, and began visualising a shed house design on the block. They looked at […]

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Choosing the Right Building Materials

Carefully choosing the right building materials for your steel frame home on the Sunshine Coast can mean significant improvement in comfort, environmental impact, and cost effectiveness.There are a couple of considerations to make when thinking about your building materials. For starters, durability is essential, as you can extend the lifetime of the product. If you […]

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