Home Offices Sunshine Coast


As we work our way into 2022, it is clear that individually, we all will be experiencing many changes – that including moving to a Sunshine Coast home office set up. We have a great lifestyle here in the Sunshine Coast region. Close to the beaches, rainforest hinterland and many other unique destinations. If the recent changes surrounding COVID have enabled you to move your workplace to your home, we have a good solution that will protect your work life balance. In this article we will cover the benefits associated with building a Sunshine Coast home office & discuss the design options.

Begin your obligation free quote! We are the Sunshine Coast home office building experts. 

Why Build a Sunshine Coast Home Office?

The work-from-home trend had already gained quite a bit of momentum, pre COVID. Statistics show a steady increase since 2018 – now approximately two thirds of Australians have made the move. While there may be one obvious benefit in the current climate, there are many more reasons we consider to be positive.

  1. Improved productivity – when given to opportunity to work on your schedule, you can tune into your most productive times.
  2. Increased job satisfaction – given that the atmosphere may be more relaxed at home, it will be easier to enjoy what you do for a living!
  3. Create extra time in the day – without the daily commute; you have more hours in the day to get things done!

The only thing you may want to consider, is how to keep a line of separation between your work and home life. By building an additional office space, separate to your main home, you can achieve this. 


Why Build a Sunshine Coast Home Office?

Our team have identified a need that has arisen from so many people now working at home. Building Sunshine Coast home offices! We understand that whether time, space or cost be your biggest concern, we have a solution that will fit.

Our Backyard Solutions are modular, transportable spaces that can be placed onto almost any block. Whether they are built off site or on site, we can help you avoid delays and provide you with a space to work in, quickly. The main benefit is that they can be moved (when built on skids) – so whether you were looking for a short term solution (which can be sold on at a later date) or will be moving houses, your very own Sunshine Coast home office can be moved, and moved, and moved. Specifically designed with transport in mind, we have adhered to all Queensland transport rules and regulations. The driving concept behind our Backyard Solutions range, is flexibility. Providing options to you in regards to how your home office space is built. 

We offer three primary methods of construction;

  1. Built to slab (traditional building method)
  2. Built on floor system (traditional building method)
  3. Built on skids; allowing for transport

The ideal method of construction will depend on your long term uses and requirements. If you choose to build on skids, we have the ability to deliver your home office rather than build on site.

We have a set range of plans, but can design and build your very own little creation as well. Consider what it is you need from an office space – we can help you to build it all!

Secondary Dwelling Entry

If you are currently considering building your very own Sunshine Coast home office, get in touch with our friendly team today. We can provide a good price guide and run through your personal requirements to work out what options will suit you best.

Contact us to find out more information about building your Sunshine Coast home office. Trust your local builder.