Screen Time or Green Time. What’s your choice?
A vivid imagination can make life so much richer. It allows us to anticipate the future effects of our present actions. It enables morality, the ability to empathise, the agency for love and the possibility for creativity. Our capacity to visualise realities outside our own experience is essential to who we are… and it all starts as kids.
The shift from outside play to inside screen time undoubtedly has profound negative implications for youth development. Screen Time is associated with an increase in poor mental health. Green Time helps children offset these issues and improve their mental health.

Researchers have found that contact with nature helps reduce stress in children.
- Stress levels reduce for children with high levels of nearby nature
- Children with higher levels of nearby nature had a higher sense of self-worth
- Active contact with nature provides children with calming and stabilising memories
A hinterland lifestyle can help promote healthy behaviours in children and adults, by ensuring they get their necessary “Green Time” and hopefully some exercise to go with it.
Bushwalking… Check
Mountain Climbing… Check
Beautiful Wildlife… Check
Horse Riding… Check
National Parks… Check
Mountain Biking… Check
Ok you’re getting the picture.
Don’t just do it for your children. Do it for yourself and your health. Many studies have shown that time in nature is an antidote for stress. It can lower blood pressure and stress hormone levels, reduce nervous system arousal, enhance immune system function, increase self-esteem, reduce anxiety and improve mood. Why would you want to live in the suburbs? Build your dream home in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland.
Why not make a change that benefits the whole family.
Contact The Shed House Team today to learn more. You can read more about our Sunshine Coast off-grid builds here.